The Academy offers eight honors-level courses and nine AP courses. These courses are offered to students based upon teacher recommendation.
英国文学 & 作文
法语 & 文化
西班牙语 & 文化
Some AP courses are open to all students; several are allowed by the instructor’s approval only. In a typical year, more than 70% of the AP tests taken at The Academy are scored at ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’.
艺术史, 学生探索艺术的本质:它的用途, 它的意思, 以及人们对此的反应. 本课程的探究围绕着从史前到现在作为文化和社会的反思和引擎的艺术展开. From diverse global perspectives and through a cross-disciplinary approach to the analysis, interpretation of works of art and art movements, 本课程强调艺术创作与历史上社会和政治变化的相互联系. Students will learn and discuss the fundamental issues and theories surrounding art production, distribution and reception and will develop an understanding of artwork in these contexts, 其中包括性别等问题, 政治, 宗教, 种族和赞助. 本课程为学生提供了通过阅读深入了解艺术史的机会, 研究, 幻灯片, 视频, 参观博物馆. Writing skills will be important in the description, analysis, and comparison of these works. 当作为AP课程时, preparation for the AP艺术史 Exam will also be incorporated into the curriculum.
AP欧洲史涵盖了从罗马帝国灭亡到1991年苏联解体的欧洲历史. It is divided into four quarters, each quarter consisting of at least four thematic units. Each unit is followed by an exam involving ten or more short answer responses and one essay. In each quarter students write one paper on any of the units covered in class. 作为他们研究的基础, 学生就一个主要的历史大发彩票平台登录撰写论文,该大发彩票平台登录在整个季度中似乎都很重要, for example: The Reformation for the first quarter; The French Revolution for the second quarter; the effects of industrialism or imperialism on European social and political relations for the third quarter; and the impact of World War I for the final quarter.
这个高级法语部分是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式而创建的. 课堂时间专门用于介绍和练习所有法语AP考试的个人任务,并分配额外的作业作为家庭作业. While being enrolled in 法国第四/ AP French/Independent Study, 学生必须同时参加法语四:语言和文化荣誉课程,或者在参加AP课程之前必须参加法语四:语言和文化荣誉课程.
西班牙语高级部分的创建是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式. 课堂时间专门用于介绍和练习所有西班牙语AP考试的个别任务,并分配额外的作业作为家庭作业. While being enrolled in 西班牙第四/ AP Spanish/Independent Study, 学生必须同时参加西班牙语IV:荣誉语言和文化课程,或者必须在参加AP部分之前参加西班牙语IV:荣誉语言和文化课程.
AP微积分AB focuses on understanding mathematical concepts using graphical, 数值, 分析方法. 学生将被期望通过数字以及使用图表和书面解释来传达他们的理解. Extensive use will be made of the 图形 calculator, and students will take the AP exam at the end of the year for potential college credit.
AP微积分BC is taken after successful completion of AP微积分AB. The BC exam covers the first two semesters of college calculus. 大学微积分第一学期的材料(AB课程)在学年开始时复习,然后是新材料. Additional topics beyond the AP curriculum are often covered, 比如线性代数, 分形, 和/或基本编程. This course is often taught as an independent study.
据美联社统计 covers the same material in a typical college-level introduction to statistics course. This class can be split into four unequal parts: analysis of patterns in data and display of data, collection of valid data through well-developed plans, usage of probability to anticipate data distribution (there is order in the universe!), and employment of statistical inference (how confident we are about a particular hypothesis). Students will take the AP exam in May for potential college credit.
AP计算机科学原理向学生介绍计算机编程的技术和方法,以及计算机科学的历史和理论. This class will be taught using the Java language, 学生可以通过在累积AP计算机科学原理测试中表现良好而获得大学学分. 参加本课程的学生有机会进行许多课堂编程活动和实验, as well as to work on larger thematic projects that may include writing a text-based video game, writing scientific programs drawing knowledge learned in previous science classes, 等.
荣誉代数I建立在学生在以前的课程中获得的知识基础上,为严格的数学研究奠定了基础. Topics are covered at an advanced pace and include but are not limited to: the Real Number System, 绝对值, 方程与不等式, 图形, 线性和二次函数, 方程组, 指数, 多项式, 激进分子, 理性表达式.
荣誉代数2继续代数的严格研究在一个先进的步伐,重点是对函数的分析, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, 和对数函数. Emphasis is made on solving, 图形, transforming, and modeling these functions.
荣誉几何的设计是为了满足学生的需要,谁能够在更大的深度和更快的速度学习几何. 本课程的重点是平面和立体几何. Students will develop deductive reasoning skills to solve problems and write complex proofs, will learn a logical approach to problem solving, and will improve their ability to communicate both concrete and abstract ideas. 探讨的主题包括:基本定义, 行, 角, 三角形, 四边形, 圈, 多边形, 固体, 同余, 相似, 比例, 三角函数, 分形, 三维坐标, 转换, 周长的公式, area, 表面积, 和体积.
World Religions seeks to introduce students to some of the primary foundational elements of Judaism, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 道教, 和耆那教. 为此目的, students will approach work with five aims: 1) to become familiar with a broad outline of each tradition’s historical circumstances; 2) to explore a portion of each tradition’s sacred texts; 3) to understand the roots and “core” of each 宗教 so as to better identify corruptions within the tradition; 4) to engage the way in which each tradition defines the word “community” as a means of exploring its approach to 道德; and 5) to understand the way that the tradition expresses its faith tenets through the arts.
本课程通过主要文本介绍哲学的基本问题和不同思想家对这些问题的研究方法, 第二手来源, 和讨论. Rather than providing a full survey of philosophy in all its forms, this course is designed to introduce philosophical thinking in general. 本书将采用主题而非历史的方法来探讨哲学的一些基本问题:知识是否可能? 这是什么世界?? 自由意志存在吗?? 上帝存在吗?? 如果是这样,为什么会有邪恶呢? 我们能做出合理的道德决定吗? 为了解决这些问题, the primary branches of philosophy – epistemology, 本体, 形而上学, 道德, and aesthetics – will be examined through classical writings and contemporary application.
法国第四, 一门几乎完全用法语授课的课程, 是一门高级课程,让学生继续培养他们的口语和写作技能, as well as to expand their proficiency in listening and reading comprehension. 法语四的重点是鼓励和使每个学生能够独立地使用法语. 在学习法语的过程中, 学生将接触到各种法语原版文本(印刷和在线)。, 法语广播播客, 法语原版视频片段, 和讲法语的cinsamma. 学生也将参与, 在法国, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, and will complete compositions 在法国 as part of their grade. The 法国第四 curriculum includes a review of all main grammar points. The choice of a college-level textbook supports the transition toward college level instruction.
西班牙第四, 一门几乎完全用西班牙语授课的课程, 是一门高级课程,让学生继续培养他们的口语和写作技能, as well as to expand their proficiency in listening and reading comprehension. 西班牙语四的重点是鼓励和使每个学生能够独立地使用西班牙语. 在学习西班牙语的过程中, 学生将接触到各种原始西班牙语文本(印刷和在线)。, 西班牙语广播播客, 原创视频片段, 和西班牙电影. 学生也将参与, 用西班牙语, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, and will complete compositions 用西班牙语 as part of their grade. 西班牙第四 curriculum includes a review of all main grammar points. The choice of a college-level textbook supports the transition toward college level instruction. Students will also engage in a 系列 of projects throughout the school year.
荣誉微积分预科继续在微积分准备的先进步伐代数主题的严格研究. First semester will focus on 三角函数 while Semester Two will include the study of polar graphs, 向量, 圆锥部分, 序列, 系列, 和概率. Students successfully completing the class should be ready for AP微积分AB.
AP文学与写作是一门强化课程,旨在向学生介绍大学水平的分析, 讨论, and comprehension of writing from a broad range of literature, 戏剧, 和诗歌. The course challenges and develops the student’s ability to think critically, 综合文献, 有效地写作. Although this course explores a number of works from different genres, 身份的概念——我们如何理解它, 创建它, 质疑它, 破坏它, 生活没有它-连接他们所有. 随着学生深入研究这些话题, many others will emerge and aid us in forming a language and approach to literature.